the dream

the dream

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Snowy Sunday

Such a busy much laundry to fold, a house to clean, a bird cage to clean.....

And then I organized my spice cabinet.... which made me happy! So crazy how such a mundane task can make me so happy.  I re-labeled  and re-filled bottles and lined them up and now they are all ready for future cooking sprees!

Then I made cheese.... no, seriously!  I made ricotta cheese.  I really can't believe how easy it was.  I like cooking with ricotta, in lasagna or stuffing chicken breasts with it, that kind of thing.  Next on the cheese making  list is going to be mascarpone and then, when I can get the missing required item,  nice, soft mozzarella .  My game plan is to make as much as I can for what is needed for my famous 50lb lasagna, even the pasta sheets..... who knows, maybe even sausage for a sausage layer.. I'm willing to try anything once.  I like to learn new things, and most of what I learn is kind of "self taught" since I look it up, online, in book, videos or whatever.  I think sometimes that I'd like to take actual cooking classes; one of the culinary schools here in town offers a bunch of "boot camps" that sound kind of cool, but where do I find the time, and then again, right now finding the funding for Three Red Aprons is more important than money for boot camp.

My brain is spinning with all sorts of new recipes I want to try out... I have a pot of soup on right now simmering away.  Tomato, lentil, turnip and parsley..... seasoned it with cilantro and curry and some salt and pepper and a little red wine vinegar.  Got the idea from a pin on a clean eating soup pin for a cleanse, but it looked really tasty, especially with the added spices I tweaked it with .. haha! I'm impatient to get some more preserves tucked up too, especially my kosher dills.  I guess this year I will have to make sure I make extra jars of them; those pickles were pretty popular this year and I had a hard time keeping up with demand.

Just tasted the soup.... yummy!!

When I woke up this morning it had snowed overnight.  Can you freaking believe it??  Snow, on the second last day of March.... seriously?  C'mon!!  I'm impatient to get into the garden and at this point I'm doubting the snow will be gone before June!  So.... who needs the snow to go away to start gardening anyway right??  I have my little indoor greenhouse kits and my seeds and I will just go ahead and start some herbs and peppers and even some flowers and who knows what else!  I'm going to expand the little patch of garden I had last year to grow some more tomatoes and some pickling cukes and who knows what else...

So I get email notifications of comments or messages left for me on the crowdfunding site that I have for the fundraising for my shop, which if great, if the messages are positive, supportive "hey I'm excited for you and let me donate some money to the project" type of messages...but alas, that's not what these three messages I've received since I posted have been.  Ironically, they have been posts from people who actually charge money to leave positive comments and reviews of people's projects and to donate the incredible sum of $1 to bring attention to the project.  Quite ingenious wouldn't you say? Preying upon people's desire to have a successful campaign and charging them considerably more than they give in return?  Oh well, I suppose that is the creative product they have to offer... to each their own  as they say.


And speaking of crowdfund, just a friendly reminder that I am in fact still striving to achieve the "dream" of my own shop.... and maybe just not my own, there are a couple of friends I'm hoping will join in my venture, but it's completely up to them and I'm not going to try and exert any undue influence on anyone.  So if you can find it in yourself to invest in me, and my dream, here's that important link... and of course, please feel free to share it with your friends and contacts and whomever else you think might find it of interest!!

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