the dream

the dream

Thursday, March 27, 2014

And so it begins........

I'm fighting a huge headache right now that my dear, darling Pat attributes to barometric issues but I beg to differ.  I am sure it's because my poor little brain hasn't stopped in weeks.  Months even.... 

It's been such a long few years, working on my recovery with the mental health issues... wow, just being able to say (type) that out loud is a step in itself, getting past the fear that I'd be judged because of it, all the stereotypes, and getting back to a point where I'm cleared to return to work.   But now it's about finding a job... and after over 70 resumes being sent out and more than a dozen interviews still nothing. 

So I decide it's time.... time to listen to all the people who say Brenda, you should be cooking and crafting for a living!  And so I apply for the Ontario Self Employment Benefit program with high hopes... and I jump through the hoops and provide everything that's needed and I wait.  And........ no.  I can't guarantee that I will have my start up funding in place so they won't accept me into the program.  It sucks of course, but it just means I work harder to get the funding and start working towards the dream.

For as long as I can remember I've wanted my own tea room/craft shop.  I've wanted to cook and bake for people, I've wanted to share my gifts and talents with people.  Every Christmas my kitchen and dining room turn into what we jokingly call "Mrs. Clause's workshop" because there are ornaments and jars of preserves and baked goods and craft items and gift baskets all over the place.  And it makes me smile to do it.

Well... the me a couple of years ago likely would have curled up into a ball and cried and cried and felt helpless and given up, but I've grown stronger and found my fight and determination again.... I actually look in the mirror and see someone I recognize.  So I allowed myself a little cry, because I was definitely disappointed by the "no", but it wasn't irrevocable, it was just a not now.  So now I work on acquiring the funding, continue testing recipes and building inventory and craft ideas and telling myself that it is meant to be and I will get there.

Crowdfunding....... What the heck is crowdfunding?????                Crowdfunding is the raising of funds through the collection of small contributions from the general public (known as the crowd) using the Internet and social media.  Crowdfunding has its origins in the concept of crowdsourcing, which is the broader concept of an individual reaching a goal by receiving and leveraging small contributions from many parties.

The key to crowdfunding in the present context is its inextricable link to online social networking and its ability to harness the power of online communities in order to extend a project’s promotion and financing opportunities.  The non-profit sector was the first to successfully employ crowdfunding in its present online form.

More recently, crowdfunding is becoming an increasingly common form of raising funds in the technology and media industries; including music, film and video games.  Traditionally, crowdfunding is used to raise money to fund the development of a well-defined, singular project.  The new form of crowdsourced private financing has lowered the barriers to entry not only for financing projects, but also for the average citizen to play the role of investor.  Crowdfunding also has a unique dual function of providing both private financing and generating publicity and attention for a project.

From Crowdsourcing 101 excerpt on

So this idea was presented to me, along with a web site where I carefully examined samples of projects up for funding by the "crowd" and weighed my options.  How would it be received?  How would it be perceived?  What kind of success could it have?  Since the answer will always be no if you don't ask the question.... I've opted to give it a try.  At least obtaining part of the funding is a start, and part of the funding could assist in getting additional funds from other sources such as the Canada Small Business Financing Program or the Business Development Bank of Canada.

And so begins project "It's Time to do What I Do Best!...Feed People" and this blog to follow along the road to Three Red Aprons where we will share the ups and downs, the progress, some laughs, lots about food and crafts and heaven only knows what else.  Tell your friends and family, spread it around and get the word out.... Three Red Aprons is coming to town with a little help from its friends!!


Hugs and cookies


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